Enhance Learning and Support have experienced consultants who are trained at management level to support organisations at a strategic level in their service development to ensure they meet the complex needs of people with a learning disability.
We want them to feel supported and valued.

When offering a service to people with a learning disability it is important to get it right.
Some services have had a detrimental effect on the health, social and mental well-being of people with a learning disability, and in some cases, this has resulted in death.
It is important that organisations learn from the mistakes of others and ensure that their services strive for the best possible outcome for their learning disability users.
We need to ensure that people with a learning disability are given the opportunity to reach their full potential when accessing a service, with their needs being met holistically and on an individual level.
All organisations offering a service to people with a learning disability should be flexible to meet their needs.
There has been a lot of social policy change to support people with a learning disability who face inequalities, however sadly there is still a long way to go before the gap is closed.
People with a learning disability still face poor care, abuse and health and social care needs not being met, from services that are meant to be supporting these vulnerable people.
People with a learning disability have the same rights as everyone else, they especially have the right to good quality care from service providers. People with a learning disability should be empowered to have their voices heard and their aspirations met.
ELS can help your Organisation
We can provide support and advice in areas such as:
• Clinical supervision
• Revalidation
• Person Centred Planning
• Health assessments
• Risk assessments
• Service development
• Management of change processes
• Training matrix
For support in any of the above areas please contact our team.
Once we receive your referral one of our nurse consultants will be in contact to arrange a meeting to discuss your organisation’s requirements.