Parents & Carers
Enhance Learning and Support offer a nurse consultancy service to support parents and carers of children with a learning disability. Our nurse consultancy covers helping with challenging behaviours and sleeping problems. Our Consultants are highly trained and skilled Learning Disability Nurses.
There is no referral criteria for support with sleeping problems or behaviours that challenge.

Challenging Behaviour
The Statistics
Children with a learning disability are at greater risk of developing behaviours that are described as challenging. Research shows that 21% of children with a learning disability are more likely to have behaviours that challenge compared to 4% without a learning disability.

Typical Challenging Behaviours
• Physical aggression
• Verbal aggression
• Self-injury
• Sensory processing difficulties
• Autism and associated behaviours
• Communication difficulties

Managing Behaviours
ELS nurse consultants are trained to undertake behaviour analysis assessments to understand your child’s challenging behaviour and support you with behaviour management. Our nurses will visit you at home to complete the assessment and may also visit your child in school or any other environment where they are displaying the challenging behaviours. Our nurse consultant will be available throughout the behaviour support period.
Our Assessments include:
• A functional analysis assessment
• Direct and indirect observation
• Implementation of behaviour charts
• A written report with clear behaviour management recommendations
• Modelling of behaviour recommendations on 1-1 basis if required
• Communication aids implemented if required
• Sensory activities if required
• Review of recommendations
• Referrals to other agencies if required
For behaviour management support please contact us.
Sleep Problems
The Statistics
Evidence shows that sleep problems occur more often in children with a learning disability. Research shows that 40-80% of children with a learning disability will have associated sleep problems.

Typical Sleep Problems
• Difficulties settling to sleep
• Night time waking
• Night terrors
• Poor bedtime routines
• Co-sleeping
Poor sleep can have a huge impact on not only your child but also the whole family.
Poor sleep can affect concentration, cause stress, affect relationships and cause behaviour difficulties.

Managing Sleep
ELS nurse consultants are trained to undertake sleep assessments to understand your child’s sleep problems and support you in creating sleeping habits that work. Our nurse consultants will visit your home and will be available on the telephone for advice throughout the sleep support.
Our Assessments include:
• An initial sleep assessment
• Creation of an individual sleep programme for your child
• Implementation of a sleep diary
• A written report with clear recommendations
• Modelling of sleep recommendations if required on a 1-1 basis
• Review of sleep recommendations implemented
• Referrals to other agencies if required